Charles just released a Cardano Update video with lots of details. Some of the discussion goes over the parts we are actively waiting on. Here is a brief breakdown of what you can get from watching the entire video.

They discuss a huge amount of work based around Daedalus and Daedalus Flight. The node v1.19 came out to resolve performance issues, and is currently testable on Daedalus Flight and will be part of the Daedalus v2.2 release for the general population.

New features for Daedalus were numerous. We hope to see these arrive in Daedalus Flight soon so we can participate fully in providing feedback and suggestions to make this as smooth as possible for users. The list of features includes many new “Centers” to bundle certain features together. Here is a list of work currently under way for Daedalus:

  • Multisig
  • One-to-many (aka multi-pool delegation, aka partial delegation)
  • Delegation Portfolios
  • U2FA
  • Shielded Paper Wallets
  • Centers:
    • Hardware Wallet Center
    • QR Code Center
    • Voting Center

That’s a pretty nice list of work underway. Four of those items you might recognize from our first blog post earlier this month. Checking off items from our Required and Nice to Have lists removes the roadblocks to bringing the Cardano stake pool to the mainnet. We are happy with the ongoing progress and excited to see the next release of Daedalus Flight so we can start to test. We won’t spoil the entire video for you, we loved when Charles mentioned having easter eggs in various parts of Daedalus, even the QR Code center.

Also VacuumLabs, creators of the Adalite wallet, are working hard on the firmware updates for Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets, being called “The Stake Pool Operators update“. We can’t tell you how excited this makes us, as it will knock out the biggest obstacle to bringing you our vision for a secure and reliable stake pool architecture.

Also mentioned during the video was we should start to see around a 2-4 week cadence for performance improvements. This should improve an already great user experience by isolating performance issues and continually making improvements.

Towards the end we get a synopsis of the update, where Charles see’s the platform going in the coming weeks, months as well as what to expect for the end of 2020 and heading into 2021. We are very excited and hope you all are too!

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